"At CTB, we offer value design services for each new order that we receive."
When people think about manufacturing, they probably imagine huge factories full of huge equipment cranking out huge numbers of products. But the truth is that over time, manufacturing has become very specialized.
These days, most companies only manufacture a few parts on their own and outsource the rest, then do final assembly in-house. As long as all of the suppliers deliver the right parts, and deliver them on schedule, this new arrangement is quicker and more cost-effective. It also sounds a lot like collaboration, but is it?
At Central Tube and Bar, we specialize in solid and hollow tube and bar solutions, as well as a wide variety of metal tube laser cutting and CNC bending services. We’ve been partnering with OEMs and service centers for over two decades to supply the custom built tube and bar products that they need, when they need them. But it doesn’t stop there.
At CTB, we offer value design services for each new order that we receive. Before we turn on any of our state-of-the-art equipment, we sit down with the client to see if there are ways their design can be improved to accomplish a few very important goals:
Lower Cost
Most OEMs are lean operations operating under tight profit margins, so it shouldn’t be surprising that lowering costs is a high priority. We might not find many big changes, but we may be able to find an alternate material, or a design modification that will shorten a production run. Small savings can add up to a lot over the life of a product.
Faster Shipment Times
To ensure zero defect quality, CTB has developed systems for training, production and inspection, and we use the highest precision CNC machinery to manufacture close-tolerance parts that must fit together and function for many hundreds of hours without failing.
We take pride in Just-in-Time DeliveryOur machines can now be configured to perform operations that used to require multiple machines or manual operators. The more we can automate, the faster we can deliver.
Better Quality
That level of quality doesn’t happen by accident. It happens by creation of a culture that places a premium on excellence. We take the highest grade materials put together with state-of-the-art machine tools, and put all of that in the hands of the best, most capable people in the industry.
Our OEMs take a lot of pride in the quality of their products, and we know that we play a big role in helping them earn that reputation. Their success is our success, which is why we’re always glad to offer our expertise to all clients at no additional charge.
Schedule a no cost, no obligation value design consultation here, or give us a call at (501) 450-7750.
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